SCI-FLY is an interactive performance exploring human - insect relationship, both today, historically and playfully. The performance invites people of all ages to wonder, ponder and sense together about our important collaborators through all time - the bug-eyed, six-legged flying crawling wonders that are the insects.
SCI-FLY is co-created between these two-legged species:
Prosjectleader and performer - Hazel Barstow
Text writer and performer - Mari Pitkänen
Scenographer, sounddesigner and performer - Maria Wang Kvalheim
Propsmaker and performer - Monika żak
Costumedesigner insect - Cecilio Martínez Orozco
Costumedesign team - Maria Wang Kvalheim & Monika żak
Producers - Hazel Barstow (Øy) & Rebekka Sæter (NOBA)
Graphic design - Juraj Kočár
Photography - Aksel Pépin
Video - Andreas Strand Renberg
Outside eye - Ellen Jerstad
Text writer and performer - Mari Pitkänen
Scenographer, sounddesigner and performer - Maria Wang Kvalheim
Propsmaker and performer - Monika żak
Costumedesigner insect - Cecilio Martínez Orozco
Costumedesign team - Maria Wang Kvalheim & Monika żak
Producers - Hazel Barstow (Øy) & Rebekka Sæter (NOBA)
Graphic design - Juraj Kočár
Photography - Aksel Pépin
Video - Andreas Strand Renberg
Outside eye - Ellen Jerstad
An extra thanks to Sandra Bringsjord Pape, Marianne Malmåsen.
Thank you to Tormod Fuglestad for carpentry.
Another great thanks to Kulturinstitusjonen Losæter for generous use of their garden, house and fauna for work in progress showing!
Thank you to Tormod Fuglestad for carpentry.
Another great thanks to Kulturinstitusjonen Losæter for generous use of their garden, house and fauna for work in progress showing!
Supported by Kulturrådet & FFUK.
SCI-FLY is co-produced by Øyteateret and Norwegian Bioart Arena (NOBA) at Vitenparken Campus Ås. World premiere 2.july, 2022 in Ås.

Photography: Aksel Pépin