Fjordgløtt, performed during Oslofjord Triennale 2024, is a surreal performance inspired by climate related changes in our fjords such as coastal darkening, and how we relate to the fjord both mythically and scientifically. Using the oldest form of photography, the camera obscura, a boathouse on Lågøya in the Oslo Fjord was transformed into a temporary cinema, where the fjord and the changes in the landscape are the film. Created by Hazel Barstow togehter with Ragni Halle (performer/maker) and Thomas Bergsten (live music).

Camera obscura view inside the boathouse. Photo: Hazel Barstow

Photo: Paulina Tamara

Photo: Paulina Tamara

Photo: Paulina Tamara

Photo: Paulina Tamara

Photo: Paulina Tamara

Fishmasks by Ragni Halle

camera obscura installation detail